ArubaOS 8 Introduction

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis is the first article in a series of articles, where I talk about the new ArubaOS 8 for the WLAN controller. This is the ArubaOS 8 introduction article, to give an overview of the new features in ArubaOS 8, which I cover in later posts in much more detail. I’m running ArubaOS 8 for … Read more

How To use the ClearPass RestAPI

Reading Time: 7 minutesThis article is all about the ClearPass RestAPI. My goal is to give you a short overview of the capabilities of the ClearPass RestAPI and show one possible use case. Maybe you can comment on the article and describe your use case. I’m working on a project with the need to onboard a device with ClearPass. … Read more

New Unified WLAN Software is available

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn the last days, a new software version for the Unified WLAN controller was made available. This release supports the new HP 417 AP on the Unified WLAN controller. The Software is available on the product support page here: 830 830_5.20.R3507P26 850 and 870 850-870_5.20.R2607P26 Unified WLAN Module 6000_5.20.R2507P27 and 6000_5.20.R2507P27H01 You will also find the release notes on … Read more

MSM Firmware Release:

MSM Dashboard

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLast week, the new MSM firmware was made available to the public. This new MSM firmware version is the first maintenance release of the 6.4.x branch. Please have a look into the release notes, which are are available here: I did the upgrade in my lab environment without any issues. For upgrading productive environments, … Read more

iMC WSM Release of E0202P03

WSM overview screen

Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou can now download a new version of iMC WSM (Wireless Service Manager). You can find the download link here: This feature will bring the new HTML 5 topology to the wireless topology. This looks great and is very fast. Below is a screen shot of the new view: There are also some bug … Read more